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Stage Accompany Service Manual,Replacing diaphragm, produktwijziging.
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PPA1200 Service Manual 4 PDF file`s
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Produktwijziging PPA1200 zijn wijzigingen die zijn door gevoerd op de PPA1200.
+5V Power supply upgrade Kit for PPA1200
Buying second hand:PPA1200
If you want to buy a second hand PPA 1200, it’s best to look at a PPA with a serial number higher than 271 (last four digits of the serial number).It has interchangeable crossovers. On the outside the unit is recognizable from the “Input Link” at the back of the amplifier.
PPAs with a serial number less then 272 do not have an “Input Link” and also doesn’t have interchangeable crossovers.
The PPAs (with serial number higher then 271) have got many advantages in contrast to the first series with the lower serial numbers:
- thicker power cord- interchangeable crossovers- 12V relays, instead of 6V relays- improved 5V power supply- no annoying audible 50Hz hum anymore- much better reliability of service- better serviceable
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Zie PDF bijlage.

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+5V Power supply upgrade Kit for PPE2410
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